Triton Youth Soccer Association

Scholarship Request


TYSA Scholarship Application

Triton Youth Soccer believes that the opportunity to be a TYSA player should be made available to all members of our community when possible. We are pleased to offer partial and full scholarships to our players on a need basis and when our finding allows.

Please keep in mind this is a not-for-profit program and even if you can contribute a small amount towards the program, that would go a long way.

Scholarship applications are required and can be submitted anytime prior to our registration during each season. Scholarship approvals by the TYSA Board of Directors are required prior to participation.

Please be aware that TYSA does not have the availability to provide uniform, that will be the financial responsibility of the player/ family.

Please complete the following information and the TYSA Board will review for approval. All applications and scholarships will be kept confidential whenever possible.


Please direct questions to: